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Israeli Court Case First to Interpret Ten-Year Exemption

Israeli Court Case First to Interpret Ten-Year Exemption

Effective in 2007, Israel’s New Immigrant Benefits rules are intended to promote immigration through the grant of substantial tax benefits: (i) a ten-year tax exemption for foreign-source income produced or accrued outside Israel or income stemming from assets located outside Israel and (ii) an exemption for all tax reporting requirements related to exempt income. Over the years, the Israeli tax authorities applied strict rules in determining (i) whether a specific item of income should be considered to be foreign source income and (ii) the portion that is properly treated as foreign in circumstances of mixed income – part foreign and part domestic. Now, eleven years after the New Immigrant Benefits rules became effective, the first case addressing these open questions has been decided, Talmi v. Kfar Saba Tax Assessor. Daniel Paserman and Inbar Barak-Bilu of Gorntizky & Co., Tel Aviv, report on the holding. In brief, the taxpayer won on principles but lost on the basis of his facts.

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