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The Sharing Economy Part 2: Governments Strike Back

The Sharing Economy Part 2: Governments Strike Back

The sharing economy uses digital platforms to connect suppliers willing to provide services or use of assets with consumers.  Think of Uber and Airbnb.  These multinationals are structured to channel profits to low-tax jurisdictions.  As with Google and Microsoft, tax authorities have begun to challenge these business models.  In part two of this series, Fanny Karaman and Beate Erwin explain how these business models are being challenged.

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The Sharing Economy Part 1: New Business Models + Traditional Tax Rules Don’t Mix

The Sharing Economy Part 1: New Business Models + Traditional Tax Rules Don’t Mix

The current international tax system was established on principles dating back to the first half of the 19th century, when a nation’s retail economy consisted mostly of brick-and-mortar stores.  As the purchase of services and goods was gradually dematerialized and internet giants such as Google or Microsoft appeared, governments struggled adapt tax rules to keep up with new business models.  Now, governments around the world have shifted their focus to a relatively new part of the digital economy called the “sharing economy.”  Fanny Karaman and Beate Erwin look at recent tax developments in the world of Airbnb and Uber.

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